Chocolate is the product obtained from cocoa beans, a popular ingredient for many kinds of sweets such as chocolate, candy, ice cream, cookies, cakes, tarts, chocolate mousse and other desserts.
The chocolate without milk is known as "dark chocolate", which is an additive. Dark Chocolate is sometimes referred to as "dark chocolate." According to the U.S. government, are the "sweet chocolate" is required to produce a concentration of 15%Cocoa and the European rules specify a minimum of 35% cocoa, but dark chocolate contains more cocoa than other forms of chocolate. The standard chocolate manufacturing destroys up to half of flavoniods contained in cocoa. However, some chocolate companies have now learned, dark chocolate, holds up to 95% making his flavoniods.
Dark Chocolate is said that the creation of the Central American civilization. A large number of studieshave revealed the benefits of dark choc. The team demonstrated by Mary Engler, PhD, RN, of the University of California, San Francisco, and his colleagues that the consumption of a small, 1.6-ounce bar every day is good for you not very good for you.
After Mary's team to hold the meeting in flavoniods cholesterol from blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots, and slow down the immune response to clogged arteries. Engler says that dark chocs flavoniods more than any containingother foods, like green tea, black tea, red wine and blueberries.
The report on the study, Dirk Taubert, MD, PhD at the University of Cologne, Germany, conducted showed that dark chocs is effective in controlling high blood pressure. The Dr. Dirk's team found that dark chocolate helps reduce high blood pressure.
Mauro Serafini, PhD from National Institute of Food and Nutrition Research in Rome, in its report that "our results suggest that milk may be circumstanceswith the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate and may therefore negate the a potential health benefits that can be derived from eating moderate amounts of dark chocs."
There are many evidences that reveal the cocoa affects treating heart diseases. Cocoa wards off some of the factors, which are responsible for heart attack. Flavanols in cocoa can reduce the risk of heart diseases. The researchers of the Johns Hopkins University have proved that eating dark chocolate at every day makes the blood thin, reducing developing blood clots. Some studies show that the white chocolate is not good for the health benefits proved to be compared as the dark chocolate.
Plant phenols and cocoa phenols lead to low blood pressure. European chocolates are much richer than cocoa phenols. The taste combination found in this kind of chocolates are used in red wine. Dark chocolate also contains antioxidants, free radicals, which are the sources reduce tonumerous other diseases. Mexican healers use chocolate to treat insect bites and contains high amounts of cocoa and less sugar, so it's on Montaignac diet allowed.